Home Design News CIMdata Publishes eBook Canvas GFX: Delivering Digital Content

CIMdata Publishes eBook Canvas GFX: Delivering Digital Content


ANN ARBOR, MI, USA, Oct 24, 2023 – CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the publication of an eBook titled Canvas GFX: Delivering Digital Content.


True Digital Transformation can and must deliver strategic benefits far beyond product design engineering. While computer-aided design (CAD) leveraged to define the digital, virtual product, and product lifecycle management (PLM) platforms deployed to manage product data are at the core of Digital Transformation, being able to extract the value of that product data and transfer that wealth of information downstream is the payoff that delivers at scale.

This eBook introduces how Canvas GFX Envision platform provides companies the ability to offer product stakeholders throughout the value chain access to accurate design engineering and product information. They can create and deliver 2D illustrations and 3D model visualizations, and interactive models and 3D animations, including audio, can be embedded in that content—providing high-value product information to people outside of product engineering.

Dr. Ken Versprille, CIMdata Executive Consultant, notes, “An organized flow of valid information improves worker productivity across the product lifecycle, not only in engineering. This means that many more workers can use, reuse, and adapt product definitions to complete their critical work, adding more and more value as they leverage (and don’t duplicate) the work others have performed.”

To learn more and download the eBook on Canvas GFX: Delivering Digital Content, visit

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