Tuesday, July 2, 2024

ESI OpenCFD Release OpenFOAM v2406

BRACKNELL, UK, Jun 29, 2024 – OpenCFD is pleased to announce the June 2024 release of OpenFOAM v2406. This release extends OpenFOAM-v2312 features across many areas of the code. The new functionality represents development sponsored by OpenCFD’s customers, internally funded developments, and integration of features and changes from the OpenFOAM community.

OpenFOAM is distributed by OpenCFD under the GPL License. In addition to source code packages suitable for compilation on a variety of Linux and other POSIX systems, this release also has a number of pre-compiled binary packages

  • Ubuntu Linux: packaged installation for Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS), 22.04 (LTS), 20.04 (LTS), 18.04 (LTS)
  • openSUSE Linux: packaged installation for Leap 15.6, 15.5
  • Redhat Linux variants: packaged installation for epel 9; Fedora 40
  • apptainer images: available from dockerhub as openfoam-dev:2406-apptainer and openfoam-dev:apptainer 

Windows users have three options for pre-compiled packages (more information):

  • Using Windows Subsystem for Linux (based on Ubuntu, openSUSE etc.)
  • Native executables with cross-compilation
  • A docker installation

OpenFOAM apptainer support is provided via description files rather than pre-assembled images:

Mac OSX users have the option to compile from source, or use Docker containers for pre-compiled packages (more information).


  • Help for users is provided in the user upgrade guide
  • Help for developers is provided in the developer upgrade guide
  • Note that the minimum C++ standard will increase from C++14 to C++17 in 2024 to help support ongoing GPU developments


  • New createViewFactors application more…
  • Improved renumberMesh more…
  • Improved snappyHexMesh more…
  • Improved surfaceInertia utility more…
  • New overlapping zones more…
  • topoSet : optional transformation of geometric selection more…
  • Improved transformations more…


  • Improved MRF for compressible cases more…
  • Improved finite area more…

Solvers and physical models

  • Temperature dependent radiation properties more…
  • New freezeParticles cloud function object more…
  • New Tomiyama bubble drag model more…
  • Improved icoReacting…Foam solver more…


  • New viewFactorHeatFlux function object more…
  • New Ensight single file format reading more…
  • New Ensight cloud function object more…
  • New polyhedral cell conversion more…


GAMG : fix processorAgglomeration more…

  • cyclicAMI : fix cyclicAMI in linear solver on large core counts more…


  • New lookup Function1s more…
  • Improved topoSet utility: selection of set or zone more…
  • New periodic cyclic AMI tutorial more…


  • New submodule: Data-Driven Modelling SIG repository more…
  • New contributions to the Turbulence TC repository more…
  • Thank you more…
Nitin Patil
Nitin Patil
Editor and Director of Content, DailyCADCAM.com. Nitin completed his Master's in Mass Communication & Journalism and having 13 years of work experience as an editor, content writer with renowned international technical magazines and media companies. He is associated with CAD,CAM industry since 2008.

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