
    Pointwise V18.3 R2 Released for CFD, Features 5X Faster Surface Meshing


    FORT WORTH, TX, USA, Jun 30, 2020 – The latest release of Pointwise’s computational fluid dynamics (CFD) mesh generation software accelerates its surface meshing process by up to a factor of five on benchmark grids.



    Pointwise-V183R2The surface meshes (gray) on NASA’s Common Research Model were generated using the new, faster surface meshing. The cut through the hex-core volume mesh shows multiple levels of mesh refinement (colors indicate cell volume). The cyan mesh illustrates how the hex-core mesh topology is imprinted onto the symmetry plane.


    “’Accelerate’ is one of our three main development thrusts,” said John Chawner, Pointwise’s president. “Anything we can do to speed-up the software improves the user’s experience and shrinks the time required to generate a CFD mesh.” The speed-up targets multi-core desktop systems. Meshing B-Rep NURBS geometry models now uses multi-threading.

    Pointwise V18.3 R2 also extends hex-core meshing, introduced in the software’s previous release, to imprint the hex-core cell topology onto symmetry planes. In addition, high-order mesh curving now supports periodicity making high-order meshes much more suitable for turbomachinery applications.

    Customers can immediately download Pointwise V18.3 R2 from

    About Pointwise, Inc.

    Pointwise, Inc. is solving the top problem facing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) today – reliably generating high-fidelity meshes. The company’s Pointwise software generates structured, unstructured, overset and hybrid meshes; interfaces with CFD solvers such as ANSYS FLUENT and CFX, STAR-CCM+, OpenFOAM, and SU2 as well as many neutral formats, such as CGNS; runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and has a scripting language, Glyph, that can automate CFD meshing. Manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide have relied on Pointwise as their complete CFD preprocessing solution since 1994. For more information, visit

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