HOUSTON, TX, USA, May 6, 2022 – Michele Marchesan is the new Chief Operating Officer of Roboze, provider of the most industrialized 3D printing solutions in the world, specializing in the replacement of metal part with super polymers and composite materials in the energy, mobility, aerospace and manufacturing sectors.

Michele is one of the most experienced sales and marketing executives in the additive manufacturing industry. He comes to Roboze after several exper iences, including a decade as CRO at 3D Systems, where he built 3D Systems’ global reseller channel and also supported the company’s professional printers business unit generating hundreds of millions in annual revenues.
His goal will be to further push th e growth of the company, adding a further piece to Roboze’s unstoppable growth and development plan, with the strengthening of the global network of specialized resellers and the creation of processes and infrastructure that support the growing internation al sales.
“Roboze is reshaping the concept of manufacturing in the world thanks to a unique and unparalleled technology” says M. Marchesan. “This challenge involves me completely and my greatest focus will be on the growth areas of the company at the highest possible level, exploiting the enormous technological advantage of Roboze to create growth, value and impact for end users and society as a whole.”
Roboze, in fact, has created a new production model that is paving the way to the world of customize d manufacturing with additive manufacturing methods: Roboze Distributed Manufacturing. This manufacturing model is supported by a global network of specialized partners, the Roboze 3D Parts Centers, which enable companies around the world to produce finished 3D printed parts on demand, just in time and close to the point of use, with the most industrialized technology in the world specialized in metal replacement with high performance super polymers and composites.
“We are happy to welcome Michele to our team” declares Alessio Lorusso, Founder & CEO of Roboze. “I have known Michele for a long time. We got to know each other better in the past years and I certainly understood that Michele could be one of the leaders of our management team who, thanks to a mix of soft skills and experience in the field, could bring great value to our team and contribute significantly to the next steps of growth. Today, I am happy to announce Michele’s entry into our executive team”.
About Roboze
Roboze is re-shaping the manufacturing industry and revolutionizing the world of 3D printing with the most precise technology, capable of processing super polymers and composite materials on demand for finished functional parts for extreme applications in industries that include aerospace, oil and gas, energy, manufacturing and mobility sectors.
The Roboze high technical ecosystem includes a complete range of advanced 3D printers for high temperature and highstrength super plastics, developed with the collaboration of the best global players. It guarantees a real optimization of costs and time along the entire supply chain, while bringing additive manufacturing closer to the standards of traditional manufacturing.
Furthermore, Roboze offers the possibility to produce customized finished parts On Demand and Just Time through its manufacturing as a service global network, Roboze 3D Parts, which allows companies to reduce costs and time by shortening the steps of their supply chain and digitizing their inventory. For more information, visit https://www.roboze.com.