Friday, July 26, 2024

Lockheed Martin Space Selects ESTECO’s VOLTA for its Total System Model Framework

TRIESTE, Italy, Jan 24, 2022 – Lockheed Martin Space has selected ESTECO’s VOLTA SPDM platform as the integrated analysis tool for its Total System Model (TSM) framework, as part of its overall digital engineering transformation. 

VOLTA is a server-based, innovative enterprise platform for Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) and design optimization. Its advanced data management and collaboration capabilities will play a vital role in supporting Lockheed Martin Space’s initiative for an integrated digital tool ecosystem.

Their TSM framework is coming into place to support the company’s product development efforts and accelerate the delivery of engineering artifacts. This “ecosystem” is composed of a mix of heritage tools – proprietary internal and COTS – and new capability to fulfill their digitally-connected vision. The TSM will be the single source of truth for design information in which model data are available and integrated across disciplines. This enables continuous design evolution and synchronization while model data drives the delivery of engineering scope across the full program life cycle. 

Modern and secure, VOLTA was chosen as the platform that weaves together the digital models, operational procedures, and engineering practices that create an integrated digital thread.

“We are very proud that Lockheed Martin Space has selected VOLTA for its Total System Model initiative,” said Roel Van De Velde, Vice President of Aerospace and Defense for ESTECO. “Digital Engineering transformations can only be successful if all stakeholders are part of that transformation, and have an easy-to-use framework at their disposal that will democratize capabilities that used to be in the hands of a few experts. VOLTA’s modern web interface allows for real time collaboration on integrated analysis and multidisciplinary design optimization. Through its tiered access, it’s easy to version control, share and re-use data across teams or between individuals. We are looking forward to supporting Lockheed Martin Space in their Digital Engineering transformation journey.”


ESTECO is an independent software provider, highly specialized in numerical optimization and simulation data management with a sound scientific foundation and a flexible approach to customer needs. With more than 15 years’ experience, the company supports leading organizations in designing the products of the future, today. ESTECO smart engineering suite brings enterprise-wide solutions for design optimization, simulation data management and process integration and automation with the aim of helping companies excel across this innovation journey. Over 300 international organizations across many different industries have chosen ESTECO to consolidate specialized expertise, streamline teamwork and boost product development. Founded in 1999, the company is headquartered in Trieste (Italy), with offices in Michigan (USA), Pune (India) and an international network of channel partners. For more information, visit

Nitin Patil
Nitin Patil
Editor and Director of Content, Nitin completed his Master's in Mass Communication & Journalism and having 13 years of work experience as an editor, content writer with renowned international technical magazines and media companies. He is associated with CAD,CAM industry since 2008.

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