Monday, October 14, 2024

ActCAD 2021 Update 1001505 Released

REDMOND, WA, USA, Apr 5, 2021 – ActCAD 2021 version 1001505 released for below products:

  1. ActCAD 2021 BIM
  2. ActCAD 2021 Professional
  3. ActCAD 2021 Standard

This is a general maintenance with few minor fixes. Below is a detailed log of changes:

  1. Fixed certain issues with Licensing Technologies
  2. All new PDF to DXF Converter
  3. Fixed PDF converter execution issue when Network license is used
  4. Added ability to disable optimizations for ZOOM/PAN commands executed from a script
  5. Added sysvar CommandToEngine
  6. Added sysvar GsUpdateOnCommandEnd
  7. Implemented internal method to run command after current command
  8. Fixed frozen layout issue after closing other drawings
  9. Fixed certain crash issue on zoom – extents
  10. Fixed the issue of XDLIST and Selection Cycling not working together
  11. Fixed inconsistent cursor state after zoom during drop down menu
  12. Fixed certain dynamic issue of line
  13. Fixed SDS callback with SDS_CBXFORMSS flag
  14. Fixed new items display in Layer State Manager/Explorer Layer States
  15. Fixed some issues of LAYERP command
  16. Fixed Layer states restored incorrectly for viewports
  17. Fixed wrong item highlighted in the image file list
  18. Removed unused selection set code
  19. Fixed OpenGL anti-aliasing depends on the graphics card settings
  20. Fixed Graphics settings not updated after switching from OpenGL
  21. Fixed multi-sampling is always applied in 2DWireframe visual style
  22. Fixed layer dialog when select multiple layers and edit transparency
  23. Fixed selection cycling does not work with entsel

The new version is available for download from our downloads page.

Existing ActCAD 2021 users can use check for updates command to update to this latest version automatically.

About ActCAD

ActCAD brings Global Collaborated Technology Expertise to you at very affordable life-time price. ActCAD is powered by latest IntelliCAD 8.4, Open Design Alliance Tiegha Libraries and ACIS technologies. ActCAD has many enhancements, features and commands on top of IntelliCAD core. The add-on features, express menu commands allow ActCAD to become more productive for day-to-day projects. ActCAD works very closely with IntelliCAD on Development and Quality Assurance. Thanks to our highly automated test and build systems to keep our costs minimal. IntelliCAD was started in 1999 and has over 1 million trusted users now using IntelliCAD world-wide. ActCAD is a commercial member with active role in Release Committee and Board of Directors of IntelliCAD. For more information, visit

Sachin R Nalawade
Sachin R Nalawade
Founder and Editor DailyCADCAM. A highly-driven astute professional and avid marketer; equipped with a solid foundation in Academia; Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, CAE industry and Implementing Marketing Initiatives for Global Brands (All Design Software and Hardware Vendors).

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