REDMOND, WA, USA, Jan 6, 2025 – ActCAD 2025 new update 130773 released for PREMIUM, STANDARD and MAP DRAFTER. This is a general maintenance release with below mentioned fixes and improvements:
- Added new DRAWINGCOMPARE feature
- Added new Network License usage tool
- Added new POWERTRIM command
- Added new LANGUAGE_TRANSLATOR command
- Added new block symbols up to 500
- Added new HATCHSETORIGIN command
- Added new HATCHSETBOUNDARY command
- Added new ATTACHURL and DETACHURL commands
- Added new CLIPIT command
- Added new BLEND command
- Implemented new code signing technology
- Improved several dialogs inside ACTCAD
- Improved Installer process
- Fixed RESETBLOCK delete all similar copies of the selected ADV block
- Implemented some IcArx new functions needed by NCP global
- Fixed crash issue when copying and pasting ADV Blocks from one drawing to another
- Fixed MTEXT %% symbol codes not copied and spellchecked correctly
- Improved the ability to work on multiple layouts simultaneously
- Fixed the issue of URL info paste problem
- Fixed the issue of changing an existing Xref Path from absolute to relative
- Fixed the issue of copies of the advanced block missing
- Fixed the hanging issue if ESC or Enter is pressed, hang symptoms appear while running LISP
- Fixed certain compilation issue of .Net code
- Fixed REGENTOOLTIP should work when REGENMODE is Off
The new versions are available from ActCAD download page.
About ActCAD
ActCAD brings Global Collaborated Technology Expertise to you at very affordable life-time price. ActCAD is powered by the most latest IntelliCAD 10.1a engine, Open Design Alliance Tiegha Libraries and ACIS technologies. ActCAD has many enhancements, features and commands on top of IntelliCAD core. The add-on features, express menu commands allow ActCAD to become more productive for day-to-day projects. ActCAD works very closely with IntelliCAD on Development and Quality Assurance. Thanks to our highly automated test and build systems to keep our costs minimal. IntelliCAD was started in 1999 and has over 1 million trusted users now using IntelliCAD world-wide. ActCAD is a commercial member with active role in Release Committee and Board of Directors of IntelliCAD. For more information, visit