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HomeDesign NewsKubotek Kosmos Joins prostep ivip Association

Kubotek Kosmos Joins prostep ivip Association

MARLBOROUGH, MA, USA, Mar 20, 2024 – Kubotek Kosmos has been admitted as a member of prostep ivip, a Germany-based international standards organization focused on product data management (PDM) and other digital transformation affecting manufacturers and suppliers. As a developer of software technologies that enables practical use of precise 3D models regardless of their native platforms, Kubotek Kosmos is naturally aligned with the goals of this organization, which seeks to establish platform-independent standards and practices. The company will be part of Member Group 2/2N.

“We have always believed in developing software that gives suppliers and manufacturers the greatest flexibility to work with 3D data from multiple sources. We look forward to collaborating with our association peers from across the globe to advance PDM best practices that provide freedom of choice to businesses working with CAD files and other precise engineering data,” said Ram Eswaran, CTO of Kubotek Kosmos.

In April, prostep ivip will stage its annual Symposium in Munich, where thought-leaders and major OEMs like BMW Group and Rolls Royce gather to share information on the latest developments affecting the engineering / manufacturing sectors. It will be the first year that Kubotek Kosmos will participate in this event as an exhibitor.

About prostep ivip

The organization is best known for developing the STEP data format (ISO 10303) which provides a CAD-platform-neutral digital standard for precise 3D data. For more than three decades, it has worked with organizations large and small to develop open, vendor-neutral PDM standards. As the impact of digital transformation reaches throughout the engineering and manufacturing sectors, the organization continues its commitment to developing standards that provide optimal interoperability for organizations at all parts of this continuum. For more information, visit

About Kubotek Kosmos

Kubotek Kosmos develops software technology and end-user products to facilitate the efficient use of precise 3D data across all phases of the engineering and manufacturing process. The company participates in several international standards organizations around core topics such as 3D PDF, LOTAR (Long Term Archiving & Retrieval), and others. Kubotek Kosmos is a trade name of Kubotek USA, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Kubotek Corporation (7709.T Tokyo Stock Exchange), headquartered in Osaka, Japan. For more information, visit

About Post Author

Nitin Patil
Nitin Patil
Editor and Director of Content, Nitin completed his Master's in Mass Communication & Journalism and having 13 years of work experience as an editor, content writer with renowned international technical magazines and media companies. He is associated with CAD,CAM industry since 2008.

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